Golfing and Neck Pain: How To Get Relief

Golf and pain go hand in hand, especially in the neck. You need good range of motion in your neck for your golf swing. If you've got a kink in your neck that makes movement panful, your golf swing will of course be impacted!
One of the biggest contributors to neck pain is poor posture during an activity. Instead of pulling the chin down for a neutral posture, some people keep the chin forward and shoulders slouched. That makes the chin stick out and creates tension in the neck and surrounding muscles.
In the pursuit of neck pain relief, an important aspect which is often overlooked is unrestricted cervical spine rotation. The ability to "retract" your neck, and fully rotate to the left is necessary to achieve a good "top of back swing position" (for the right-handed golfer). Any limitation in flexibility in either plane of motion can cause muscle strain/or nerve pinching. The shearing and rotational stresses occurring at the lower neck at the top of backswing will be minimized with good muscle flexibility. Gentle rotation and side bending neck stretches done twice daily for a duration of twenty seconds each will help eliminate pain and restriction.
The most common form of neck pain is often caused by overstretching of ligaments due to postural stresses. The golfer who spends countless hours practicing with the head in a forward, protruded position will always be at higher risk to develop cervical (neck) pain.
Extending the neck while you swing causes tension; carrying a golf bag on the same side all the time leads to uneven muscles and pain.
Quick fix: Bring your chin toward your neck as you look down at the ball so your neck is not extended; alternate shoulder sides when you carry a golf bag.
Neck Stretch Tips: Face forward and let your head bend slowly to the side.
- Hold three seconds and repeat on the other side.
- Repeat 10 times.
- Do this exercise slowly and gently.
- For an additional stretch, when your head is bent to the side, let it roll slowly forward about 45 degrees and hold it there for three seconds.
Remember that using the proper form during physical activity prevents neck pain. So does strengthening the neck, shoulder, back and core muscles.
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