Posture Pump® Dual Disc Hydrator®: Model 1400-D Instructions

Posture Pump® Dual Disc Hydrator® (Model 1400-D) Relieves Painful Neck AND Upper Back Stiffness, Headaches, & Fatigue.
Step-By-Step Instructions: Easy to use at home device- just minutes a day for neck AND upper back pain relief, increased flexibility, & range of motion!
Before you begin, here are some safety precautions:
- You shouldn't use Posture Pump® without consulting with your Healthcare Professional, as certain joint, nerve, disc, vascular, and other disorders or weaknesses could potentially be aggravated and worsened.
- Do not use if you have implanted spinal hardware.
- If you are pregnant, you should not use Posture Pump® beyond your first trimester.
- Do not use if you are injured.
- Never inflate to the point of pain.
- DO NOT cover up or block off open ends of hand pump (Safety Release Valve.)
- Refrain from re-positioning your body when neck unit is inflated! When using neck unit and back unit together, always apply the back unit first. When all movement with back unit is complete, apply neck unit. Completely deflate neck unit and release head restraint before moving back unit.
- If pain results during treatment, discontinue use immediately and consult your doctor.
- If your back is sensitive or extremely stiff, first use the unit on your bed/mattress. As your flexibility increases, you may wish to graduate to a flat, firm surface.
- An aggressive workout with the Posture Pump® may temporarily cause soreness. If so, reduce the intensity and duration of your treatment.
- Keep unit out of reach of children at all times.
WARM UP ROUTINE: Begin by slowly turning the head side-to-side 5 times; then tilting the head forward and backward 5 times; then leaning the neck from side-to-side 5 times.

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Air Cell Positional Adjustments
Upper Air Cell: Air cell should be centered to expand straight up unless otherwise recommended by your Healthcare Professional. To adjust unoccupied air cell: Fully inflate air cell, forcefully CENTER or tilt completely in the desired direction, HOLD and deflate fully. Air cell is now repositioned. Apply as directed.
Q: My muscles were sore a day or two after my Posture Pump® session. Is this normal?
A: Just like performing any new exercise, an aggressive workout with Posture Pump® can temporarily make you sore. To reduce this occurrence, inflate the unit at lower levels and keep your sessions under 10-minutes for the first 2 weeks. This will allow your body to gradually adapt to more aggressive sessions.
If you've purchased your Posture Pump® with the Comfort Pad attached, this easily folds up and is lightweight. Simply wipe down with a damp cloth for cleaning. There are 4 plastic pegs that connect the Comfort Pad to the neck frame, so be sure to KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN AND PETS.
Over 3 Million have utilized EED® Technology via Posture Pump®.
Posture Pump® Dual Disc Hydrator® (Model 1400-D): For Relief of Painful Neck AND Upper Back Stiffness.
Dual Disc Hydrator®: Our most comfortable neck model (works neck and upper back). Upgraded from the Model 1100-S to decompress in two areas with even more comfortable corrective deep relief! Two uniquely angled EED® air cells* decompress and shape the neck and upper back (hump region)to relieve compressive forward upper body posture. New Comfort Visor™ gently molds to the shape of the forehead (no chin or jaw contact). Does not hyper-extend the neck. Operating at moderate pressure levels, the “Dual” provides extremely comfortable disc decompression & hydration while decompressing and shaping the proper neck curve.
- Relieves Painful Neck and Upper Back Stiffness, Headaches and Fatigue
- Decompresses & Shapes the Proper Neck Curve
- Decompresses & Hydrates Compressed Discs
- Decreases Disc Bulging
- Reduces and Corrects Forward Head, Neck and Upper Back (Hump) Posture
- Applies Reversing Pressure to Upper Back Humps
- Improves Flexibility and Ranges of Motion
- Lightweight, Easy to Operate & Travel With
- Made in the USA & Built to Last
- Employs Expanding Ellipsoidal Decompression (EED®) via Posture Pump®
Copyright 2021 POSTURE PRO, Inc. • 16421 Gothard St., Ste # D, Huntington Beach, CA 92647 USA • U. S. Patent Numbers 5,713,841 • 5,906,586 • D508,566S • 7,060,085,B2 • 8,029,453,B2 • 8,734,372 • 8,764,693 • 9,095,419 • 9,241,820 • 10,406,397 B1 . Other patents pending. Consult your health care professional before beginning. Prices and colors subject to change without notice. Posture Pump® products are not designed to diagnose or cure disease. POSTURE PUMP®, NECK PUMP®, BACK PUMP®, SCOLIGON®, DISC HYDRATOR®, SPINE TRAINER®, Penta Vec®, Expanding Ellipsoidal Decompression (EED®), Elliptical Back Rocker™, Decompress, Shape & Lubricate™, Trivec®, Trivec® 3D, Posture Pump® Triple Disc Hydrator®
Beware of counterfeits and purchase an Official Posture Pump® - Made in the USA since 1994.
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