See What Frequent Texting/SmartPhone Use Can Do To Your Neck, & Watch How Posture Pump® Can Help
The ever-growing prevalence of smartphones/gaming/computer use today is wreaking havoc on the necks & backs of individuals both young & old. More & more are developing forward head posture from engaging in seemingly benign everyday activities, such as texting, often without realizing how much time throughout the day is spent in a forward head/“slumped” position to do so. Whether it’s looking down at a smartphone, or leaning forward towards a computer screen, over time, this puts considerable stress on the cervical spine, & can cause potentially irreparable damage long-term.
While poor posture is certainly nothing new, seeing more & more individuals at an alarmingly early age suffering with poor posture & painful neck & back stiffness stemming from frequent smartphone use/texting, or "Tech Neck," is a more recent development within just the past decade. Of course, it would be unrealistic to "quit/give up” using computers & smartphones altogether. However, using Posture Pump® regularly works to counteract the harmful & painful effects of "Tech Neck," so individuals can continue to live their day-to-day without painful stiffness & poor posture.
Posture Pump® products Relieve Painful Neck and Back Stiffness, Headaches & Fatigue, Decompress & Shape the Proper Neck Curve, & Decompress & Hydrate Compressed Discs. Help Counteract the Harmful & Damaging Effects of Forward Head Posture. With all the Texting, Smartphone, Gaming, & Computer Use, Hunched Posture, Chronic Headaches, and Spinal Degenerative Changes Common in the Elderly, are NOW seen in early life!
Watch How Posture Pump® Can Help You Below!
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