The Simple Solution That Allows Gamers and E-Sports Players To Maximize Performance

ESports athletes competing and having poor posture

To some, the word “gamer” may immediately conjure stereotypical images of a slothful teenager holed up in front of their monitor for hours on end with a bad case of tech neck (forward head posture). However, just as surfing draws in professionals from various fields, the gaming community comprises individuals from an array of diverse backgrounds, and it's also a booming industry. In fact, according to the market research firm Statista, the gaming market’s 2023 market valuation will exceed $465 billion by 2027. Playing video games is no longer a teen-dominated hobby. It’s a massive umbrella of an enterprise that includes the sub-niche of professional, competitive esports, which has an international viewing audience that generates over $1 billion a year

Because of this vast digital goldmine at stake, some traditional sports team owners, such as Robert Kraft of the New England Patriots, have invested heavily in esports teams. Not only are owners infusing cold, hard cash into professional gaming teams, but they are also employing athletic trainers and medical staff, treating their esports athletes with the same care as traditional athletes.

The good news is that you don’t have to be an elite esports player to manage the neck or back pain that arises from spending countless hours in front of a screen. Any recreational gamer can easily boost their performance and their enjoyment of playing video games by using a Posture Pump® device.

Why Gaming and ESports Lead To Neck Pain

It’s obvious why being stooped over for much of the day while texting and staring at a smartphone screen leads to an excessive forward tilt of the cervical spine. But why do gamers and e-sports players also experience back and neck pain? After all, many gamers invest in ergonomic chairs, keyboards, screens, and playing stations. So what’s causing pain in the gaming community to persist? 

The answer is that even if a gamer is staring straight ahead rather than down while playing, they are usually doing so with poor posture. Another reason gamers experience discomfort is a lack of movement. Being sedentary, now considered just as deleterious to health as smoking, causes stagnant blood flow and inflammation. 

Excelling at gaming—even if you’re not getting paid for it—requires proper postural hygiene. It also requires taking breaks to improve circulation and doing finger-mobility exercises and neck stretches. 

But there’s a simple solution that you can do in the comfort of your home that requires even less energy than playing a video game…

How Posture Pump® Can Maximize Your Gaming Potential

If you want to get really good at Dead Space, then you have to play lots of Dead Space. But no matter how good you get at it, if you start experiencing a bad case of tech neck or upper back pain because of slouched posture, you won’t enjoy gaming, and your performance could suffer. 

Want to know the easiest way to overcome tech neck-related discomfort AND prevent a drop-off in performance while maximizing your gaming enjoyment? 

The answer is as simple as lying down on the floor for 5 to 15 minutes a day either before, during, or after a gaming session, using a Posture Pump® product. 

Posture Pump® is not a massage device. Rather, it uses patented angled Expanding Ellipsoidal Decompression® (EED) air-cell technology that lifts and expands the cervical and thoracic spine. (Read and see how Posture Pump® works here.)

After just one session of using a Posture Pump® back and neck pain device, the shape of the neck and back vertebrae can be better restored to their natural shape. Discs in between the vertebrae and the vertebral joints themselves are better hydrated, leading to less friction and tension on the discs. Consequently, there’s less inflammation and pain.

Pain Relief For Professional Gamers

Being a professional gamer requires as much mental focus, tenacious determination, and, arguably physical flexibility as a traditional professional athlete. To perform at their peak ability, professional esports gamers can use Posture Pump® devices before, after gaming, or during short breaks to maintain their spine health and enhance their overall gaming performance.

Having a relaxed and aligned spine can not only ease repetitive physical stress, but it can also counteract the high-stress environment of having thousands of pairs of eyeballs dissecting your every move. Using a Posture Pump® device on a daily basis is the simplest way of neutralizing the physical and mental stress of competitive gaming. 

Posture Pump® is also backed by Clinical research studies( See for yourself.)

Effective, Affordable Pain Relief For Gamers

Millions of Posture Pump® products have been sold, successively helping alleviate back and neck discomfort. We encourage you to check out what others are saying about Posture Pump® by reading and watching product reviews

Game on.

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